Red & White Rocket Kabobs

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Red & White Rocket Kabobs: a fruity, festive, and sweet picnic dessert idea that the kids will love! 

Red & White Rocket Kabobs Displayed for Party

Red & White Rocket Treat Kabobs

One of my favorite times of the year is here…summer and the Fourth of July! I don’t like the sweltering heat but I do love the picnics, barbecues and days spent at the pool that this time of the year brings. There is just something about the classic red, white and blue colors and honoring those who have fought for our country and are continuing to fight. And I might add, who doesn’t love a night that ends in fireworks 🙂  These little Red & White Rocket Kabobs are the perfect snack for the kiddos to enjoy at your summer picnics and is great for your dessert table along with our American Flag Fruit Tray and our festive patriotic ice cream sandwiches. 

Rocket Fruit Kabobs

Bite Sized Treats

Our picnics, as I am sure yours are as well, are centered around food and delicious meals. With so many mouths to feed at a party it’s nice to be able to put together treats that taste great but are simple in preparation.  We chose some of our favorite finger foods to make these rocket treat kabobs.

Ingredients needed for Fruit Kabobs:

  • Strawberries
  • Pound Cake, homemade or store bought
  • Marshmallows
  • Wooden Skewers

Some additional kabobs ideas are blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, and mini white powdered donuts. 

How to make Treat Kabobs

How to make Red & White Rocket Kabobs

  1. Wash and hull your strawberries. Cut in half.
  2. Carefully push your skewer into one strawberry half pushing the strawberry to the top of the skewer. Make sure the pointed end of the strawberry is at the top. 
  3. Alternate adding your favorite finger foods to your skewer.  Marshmallow, Pound cake, strawberry 
  4. End with a strawberry that has had a small v shape cut out of the end of it for the rocket boosters. 🙂 

NOTES: You really can create any type of layers you want for your kabobs just be sure to have a strawberry half at the top for the nose of the rocket.  Just be sure to cut your kabobs pieces into equal sizes. 

For more Fourth of July Yumminess check out these:






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